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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/16/18 If You Do These Things: The Christian's Assurance of Salvation (2) Rick Lanning Gospel Meeting September 2018 Gospel Meeting Sun PM 2018_09_16_If_You_Do_These_Things_2.mp3
09/09/18 "To the Law and To the Testimony" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_09_09_To_the_Law_and_To_the_Testimony.mp3
09/09/18 Our Sympathetic High Priest Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_09_09_Our_Sympathetic_High_Priest.mp3
09/02/18 "We Are Unprofitable Servants" Jeff Himmel Sermon Called to Serve God and Man Sun AM 2018_09_02_We_Are_Unprofitable_Servants.mp3
08/26/18 Barabbas Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_08_26_Barabbas.mp3
08/26/18 "If the Lord is God, Follow Him" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_08_26_If_the_Lord_Is_God_Follow_Him.mp3
08/12/18 Got Purpose? Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_08_12_Got_Purpose.mp3
08/12/18 Jehoshaphat's Compromises Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_08_12_Jehoshaphats_Compromises.mp3
08/05/18 Evangelism: 3 Basic Components Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_08_03_Evangelism_3_Basic_Components.mp3
07/29/18 Behind the Calling: Devotion Everritt Heaton Gospel Meeting Behind The Calling Sun Bible Study 2018_07_29_Behind_the_Calling_3_Devotion.mp3
07/29/18 Behind the Calling: Awe Everritt Heaton Gospel Meeting Behind The Calling Sun AM 2018_07_29_Behind_the_Calling_4_Awe.mp3
07/29/18 Behind the Calling: Fellowship Everritt Heaton Gospel Meeting Behind The Calling Sun PM 2018_07_29_Behind_the_Calling_5_Fellowship.mp3
07/28/18 Behind the Calling: Conviction Everritt Heaton Gospel Meeting Behind The Calling Gospel Meeting 2018_07_28_Behind_the_Calling_2_Conviction.mp3
07/27/18 Behind the Calling: Love Everritt Heaton Gospel Meeting Behind The Calling Gospel Meeting 2018_07_27_Behind_the_Calling_1_Love.mp3
07/15/18 Ready to Give a Defense (Part 1) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_07_15_Ready_to_Give_a_Defense_Part_1.mp3
07/15/18 Ready to Give a Defense (Part 2) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_07_15_Ready_to_Give_a_Defense_Part_2.mp3
07/08/18 Serving Through Leadership Jeff Himmel Sermon Called to Serve God and Man Sun AM 2018_07_08_Serving_Through_Leadership.mp3
07/01/18 "The Word Became Flesh" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_07_01_The_Word_Became_Flesh.mp3
07/01/18 Encourage One Another Day By Day Micah Bingham Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_07_01_Encourage_One_Another_Day_By_Day.mp3
06/24/18 The Bible: Wrong Views (Part 1) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM Wrong_Views_of_the_Bible_Part_1.mp3
06/24/18 The Bible: Wrong Views (Part 2) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM Wrong_Views_of_the_Bible_Part_2.mp3
06/17/18 "Let Marriage Be Held in Honor" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_06_17_Let_Marriage_Be_Held_in_Honor.mp3
06/10/18 Serving God on the Job (Part 1) Jeff Himmel Sermon Called to Serve God and Man Sun AM 2018_06_10_Serving_God_on_the_Job_1.mp3
06/10/18 Serving God on the Job (Part 2) Jeff Himmel Sermon Called to Serve God and Man Sun PM 2018_06_10_Serving_God_on_the_Job_Part_2.mp3
06/03/18 Martha's Faith Jesse Bingham Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_06_03_Marthas_Faith.mp3

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